1. RETINKA s.r.o., registered office: Přemyšlenská 133/68, Prague 8, postal code: 182 00, Company Registration Number: 082 22 801, incorporated in Section C, Insert 315043 of the Commercial Register held at the Municipal Court in Prague (hereafter simply referred to as the “Administrator”) processes the following personal data in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereafter simply referred to as the “Regulation”):
    • name
    • surname
    • email address
    • telephone number

    The processing of an individual’s name, surname, email address, telephone number is enabled by Article 6, subsection 1, letter b) of the Regulation – the processing is essential for the realisation of the measures accepted prior to the conclusion of a contract at the request of the data subject. This personal data needs to be processed in order to enable the communication between you and the company.

  2. RETINKA s.r.o. will process all of this personal data throughout a period of 1 month, whereupon it will be deleted by the company, if no contract has been concluded between you and the clinic.
  3. The administrator declares that all of the personal data is confidential and will not be made available to any third parties.
  4. Please take into account the fact that you have the following rights under the Regulation:
    • the right to request us to provide information as to which personal information we are processing,
    • the right to request us to provide access to this information and to have it updated or corrected or to request us to limit the processing,
    • the right to request us to delete your personal information, whereupon we will undertake the deletion, as long as this does not involve any personal information which we are obliged or authorised to process according to the appropriate legal regulations,
    • the right to the transferability of the data and the right to request a copy of the processed personal data,
    • if the processing is undertaken on the basis of the justified interests of the Administrator as per Article 6, subsection 1, letter f) of the Regulation, you have the right to lodge an objection against the processing,
    • the right to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection and the right to effective judicial protection, if you are of the opinion that your rights according to the Regulation have been breached as a consequence of your data being processed in a manner which is at odds with the Regulation.
